Attempts to reach Mr. Fang through the Yuexiu district government on Sunday were unsuccessful. 记者上周日试图通过越秀区政府联系方大国,但没有成功。
Research of the Problems of Transferred Financial Payment in Yuelu District Government 长沙市岳麓区财政转移支付问题研究
Objective To explore the influencing factors of district government investment in mental health service in Shanghai, and provide referrences for financing mechanism of mental health service. 目的通过计量经济学方法分析上海市各区(县)精神卫生服务政府支出比例的影响因素,为完善上海市精神疾病防治的财政保障机制提供参考。
The compensation standard is based on the guide price provided by the municipal government and determined specifically by the district government. 征地补偿标准按照市政府指导价,由区政府确定具体确定。
Those under investigation include people working for the construction contractor and the developer, a district government spokeswoman said. 这些接受调查的人包括工作的建筑承包商和开发商,区政府发言人说。
It is understood that this is the Haidian District government propaganda move the overall business environment. 据了解,这是海淀区政府的宣传移动的整体营商环境。
One body was found in the district government building and another person died later in hospital, a local government official said. 区政府里发现了一具尸体,随后有一名患者在医院去世,当地政府官员说到。
In the mean time, District Government of Huanggu will engage in improving the surroundings to restore the original environment of Dagoba. 皇姑区政府同时改造舍利塔周边环境,恢复塔寺原始风貌,重现盛京八景之一“塔湾夕照”。
The district government also offers support. 地区政府也提供支持。
The incident, under investigation by the Songjiang District government, highlights the difficulties apple and others face in policing their vast international supply chains, despite promises to ensure their suppliers comply with labour and environmental regulations. 松江区政府正在调查的这一事件,凸显出苹果等制造商在监督庞大的全球供应链方面存在困难,尽管这些制造商承诺要确保他们的供应商遵守当地劳工和环保法规。
Being of certain pioneer spirit and practical significance, the legislative law adopted the way of enumeration to compartmentalize the legislation purview among the central and district government in china. 《立法法》采取列举的方式明确了中央与地方立法权限的划分,具有一定的开拓精神和现实意义。
West Lake District Stadium and West Lake District Library are invested by West Lake District Government and they are public welfare district-level supporting projects. 西湖区体育场和图书馆都由西湖区政府投资兴建,属公益性区级配套项目。
Since the start of the construction project since the Haidian District Government has twice given special funds to support creative industries. 该项目自启动建设以来,海淀区政府曾两次给予创意产业专项资金支持。
It is also the first systematic rehabilitation center for juveniles organized by district government departments in Beijing. 同时,它也是由区人民政府首先发起的北京第一家系统性青少年劳教中心。
District Government of Ba County in the Mid-Qing Dynasty and the Construction of Ordered Market Below the county level, there are administrative offices for industry and commerce. 清代中叶巴县地方政府与巴县商业秩序的构建县以下还设有工商行政管理所。
Quanshan cultural animation business forum in the District government on the second floor conference room. 泉山区文化动漫企业座谈会在区政府二楼会议室召开。
The municipal and district government shall give awards to the person who is meritorious to the impeachment and accusation. 对检举和控告的有功人员,市、区人民政府应当给予奖励。
The CPC Erqi District Committee and District Government shall provide the most preferential policies, the best environment and the best services to investors of this project. 二七区委、区政府将为参与此项目的投资者提供最优惠的政策、最优良的环境和最优质的服务。
On behalf of the district Party committee and the district government, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the Datuk of Sabah state and all the distinguished guests. 在此,我谨代表区委、区政府对远道而来的拿督及各位贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候!
Since the scandal was uncovered in July, the director of Shanghai's Municipal Labour and Social Security Bureau, Zhu Junyi, and a district government chief, Qin Yu, have been sacked. 丑闻在7月份被披露,上海市劳动和社会保障局局长祝均一和一名区长,秦裕因此被撤职。
The site of the Liangqing District Government reported the news that the journalist delegation focusing and supporting the minority girls'education finished their research successfully. 良庆区政务信息网发布了题为《关注广西少数民族女童教育爱心助学记者考察团考察活动圆满完成》的新闻信息等。
Qiu Jincai, an official in charge of work safety with Xiuyu District Government in Putian, was also suspended from duty because of the accident, said the sources. 消息称,莆田市秀屿区负责工业安全的官员丘进才,也因鞋厂火灾事故被停职。
Meanwhile in Hangzhou, the Gongshu District government pledged that teachers working in the district would enjoy higher salaries and better welfare than government officials. 同时,杭州市的拱墅区政府承诺:在本区工作的教师将享受比政府官员更高的工资和福利。
From the community commission, the street office, to the district government, a network of maintenance has been set up for the convenience of community residents. 为了便民,从区委会、街道办、再到区政府,已经建立了一个维修网。
Shenzhen Planning Bureau Baoan Sub-bureau, consigned by Baoan District Government, will organize an international design competition of the art museum and trading center for Guanlan Print Base. 受宝安区人民政府的委托,由深圳市规划局宝安分局负责组织对观澜版画基地美术馆及交易中心进行方案设计竞赛。
I'll just go along with you to the district government. 我和你一块到县政府去吧。
The provincial government ordered that the night-shift plant be closed but the district government has not enforced the order. 省级政府下令关闭夜班工厂,但下一级政府并未执行上级命令。
District government shall submit the normative document drafted, revised or to be abolished to the municipal government for record after promulgation. 区政府制定、修改或者废止规范性文件,应当在发布之后报市政府备案。